
  • In Office

    Enkindle’s office is located in Open Sky Spaces at 855 South Wall Street in the Brewery District, a few blocks from German Village and less than a mile from downtown Columbus . A dedicated parking lot is available. There is a COTA bus stop approximately one block away, and if you bike, you’ll have a secure spot to park inside.

    Unsure which format is right for you? Let’s talk about your options during your free, 15-minute phone consulation. Reach out to me here.

  • Telehealth

    Enkindle offers therapy services via video conferencing through our secure online platform Sessions Health. For best results with telehealth, you will need:

    -Laptop, tablet or phone with microphone and camera, and appropriate internet speed
    -A private space (preferably a room with a door) without pets, family members or other distractions
    -A secure internet connection (public Wi-Fi is not recommended due to lack of privacy)


Walking releases stress, maintains overall health and wellness, and improves mood. For some, moving while talking and being in nature allows us to open up in different ways, and alleviates the anxiety that may be experienced in traditional face-to-face seated conversation. We can start our walk on a paved riverside trail near my office, or at another location good for us both. Other than being outdoors and moving while we talk, it is very similar to traditional psychotherapy. You will set the pace and we will explore the issues that matter to you. Intrigued? This piece lists eight potential benefits of Walk and Talk therapy.

If you think you would like to try Walk and Talk Therapy, please contact me. for a free 15-minute phone consultation. If you decide to move forward, we begin with an initial assessment (office or telehealth) which typically takes about 50 minutes. If Walk and Talk is right for you, we will pick a location and get to walking and talking!